Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday Night 11-19-2007

As with others, I too am guilty 0f not keeping my blog up to date. Mainly because I don't have much to share that is original. Katie and Diana pretty much cover the pictures and the news of the kids and I just try to throw a few words out every once in awhile.
Mary & I went to hear a speaker at church last night, Dr. Paul Covington spoke on the history of the begining of the catholic (and Catholic) church. Readings from Timothy, and others, that refered back to before the New Testament was written. Extremly interesting and eye opening.
We also had supper with Diana and Edwin tonight. Even after my being around my own children our oldest Grandson Anthony and dozens and dozens of other children, I am so amazed at how Edwin is progressing. And, of course, he loves it when I sing to him. :-) I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Speaking of family, David and Jenny fly into Myrtle Beach tomorrow night to be here for Thanksgiving. They will spend Tuesday night with Diana, Ed and Edwin in Supply, NC and then come up to Wilmington on Wednesday. I haven't seen Dave and Jenny since last Christmas. I do miss them so much.
Some of you may understand this next comment, and some may not. However those that know will understand.
In all families, and between people, there will be times of misunderstanding, conflict and disapoinments. This Holdiay season I want to remind myself and all others that there is nothing that we can not work through with the guidance of Jesus. Forgiveness, understanding and being thankful go a long long way. We all make mistakes and we are all forgiven by God.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I will.
God bless you all.

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